Friday, November 08, 2013


Not doing very well this year. This is really, only the second day I've written, and it's the 8th of November, so the whole point of writing every day has been blown to pieces. Also, today I cheated a bit by importing some stuff I'd written earlier, although I went over every line and changed a lot of it, so it's essentially new. Anyway, my grand total is now 5,163. As of day 8 I should be at 13,333, so I'm woefully behind. On the other hand, on my second real day I writing I have gone from 863 to 5,163 - wow that's weird. I just noticed that both days end with the same "63." Weird. 63. 63. Maybe this novel should end up having about 63,000 words, instead of 50,000. Of course, then I'm even further behind ...

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