OK, this is taking *way* too long, I’m done reading “High
Society” and need to get my first impressions of it down before they’re no
longer first impressions, so I need to make short shrift of the rest of this
book. I need to make these shorter and
quicker or I’ll never get the whole thing done.
With “Black Magiking,” we see a major change in the world
Cerebus occupies, and in the next three issues we see a major change in Cerebus’
life and lifestyle. He will initially reject the latter and try to go back to
being a barbarian warrior, but it will never work.
Up until now, Cerebus has inhabited a world that was a
typical sword-and-sorcery world copied from the first 24 issues of Marvel’s
“Conan the Barbarian” comic book, written by Roy Thomas (often, but not always,
adapted from one of Robert E. Howard’s original stories) and drawn by Barry
Smith (before he added the “Windor”), who was at the time one of Sim’s personal
heroes in terms of stretching the medium of comic book art. Indeed, he has said
that the whole point of Cerebus was not just to do “Howard the Duck” as a
parody of “Conan the Barbarian,” but to do the art in such a way as to have a
very cartoonish Cerebus walking around in a very realistic world, the kind of
hyper-reality (compared to most comic book art of the time) portrayed by Barry
Smith in those Conan books, and he described it specifically in those terms: “A
Chuck Jones cartoon character walking around in a Barry Windsor Smith world.”
The basic milieu, familiar nowadays not just to Conan fans
but to fans of heroic fantasy in general, usually includes a sort of mashup of
the ancient and medieval worlds, mostly individual city states, with perhaps a
nascent Empire or two absorbing other cities into their sphere of influence,
with more-or-less medieval technology, especially when it comes to weaponry
(crossbows are usually present, but not gunpowder). For those stories set in
our own Earth’s past, it is usually imagined that once upon a time magic worked
in a way it no longer does, but it was still operational at the time of the
story. And in keeping with the idea that these stories are set long before
Christianity there is usually an assumption of a polytheistic world, one where
there are several, perhaps dozens of super-powered beings that might as well be
thought of as “gods” and are worshipped as such by humans. “Demonhorn,” which
is not part of the collected books and I regard as non-canonical (despite Dave
Sim himself once placing it in the continuity between two early issues), makes it
unmistakable that the impression one has reading the first half of this book
that Cerebus inhabits such a polytheistic world is correct. Not only do various
character utter oaths in the names of several different gods (Tarim, Terim,
Clovis, Ashtoth, Ishtar, Set and Tauran, for instance, all in the first 6
issues), but there doesn’t seem to be anything like a Church or a monotheistic
religion to contrast with this, as one might have in the first few centuries of
the Roman Empire, for instance.
There are hints of Sim’s abiding interest in religion – at
this time, and through most of the saga, it’s the interest of a fascinated
outside observer chortling like Puck,”Lord, what fools these mortals be!” Sim
has said that he often had the TV on while he worked, not so much watching it
as absorbing it by osmosis while using it for white noise to actually help him
concentrate. He said that in the context of introducing the T’Gitans, whose
leader is a smarter, more serious version of Sgt. Schulz. Earlier, though, we can
see that he spent at least some of that time watching or at least listening to
Jim and Tammy Faye Baker, who pretty much had to be the inspiration for
Cerebus’ exhortation to the Cockroach (while pretending to be the Roach’s
father, visiting him in a dream):
Cerebus: Praise Tarim! I am here to bring you the Word – the Word of Tarim.Roach: The Word, Father?Cerebus: Condominiums! Tarim has a condominium just for you! Luxurious living in the afterlife – IF you believe!Roach: I do! I do!Cerebus: Praise Tarim!
Suddenly, Tarim is not just one of many polytheistic gods in
an ancient culture, he’s a stand-in for the modern God worshipped by the
followers of Jim and Tammy Faye. It’s a funny bit, and on first reading, I’m
sure most people think it’s just a bit of anachronistic funny business. I
certainly did. In fact, in planning this very essay, after reading this umpteen
times and just rereading it again, I was still thinking of “Black Magiking” as
the introduction of the concept of “Tarim” as a stand-in for the Christian God
in Cerebus’ world.
Certainly neither Cerebus nor the Roach could know what a
“condominium” is, and this does stand, to my mind, as much of an example of Sim
breaking the fourth wall – and frankly, not a very successful one (he’s to have
a few other flubs like this before doing it really, really well in the latter
parts of the series, particularly “Minds” and “Rick’s Story”) – as it is an
early example of the role of religion, and in particular Christianity, in
Still, it can’t be denied that this is the first tantalizing
hint that this is where Sim is headed.
In Chapter 13, “Black Magiking,” Cerebus encounters an
emissary of the Church of Tarim, who seems very much like a medieval priest,
particularly the kind who was always on the watch for Witches and
Devil-Worshippers. Cerebus seems unsurprised by this. From this moment on, Sim
will pretend that he never used “Tarim” in such a way as to equate him with a
bunch of other polytheistic gods, and he gradually drops the use of almost all
other gods’ names from the dialogue. He will even later explain away Cerebus’
once-constant oaths about Clovis (“By Clovis’ Beard!”, “Clovis’ Molar!”,
“Clovis’ Teeth and Tankard!”) by saying that Clovis is a northern version of Tarim
invented by Tarimite missionaries to ease their charges into proper worship, or
something like that – it didn’t make sense to me at the time, and I doubt if it
will when I get to it in the reread, far, far ahead.
From this moment on, we forget (or at least pretend to
forget) that Cerebus started out inhabiting a polytheistic world. We are now in
a world where all civilized people (not necessarily the barbarians Cerebus will
still consort with on occasion, but all the people living in the big cities where
he’ll be spending most of his time from now on) are either members of the
Church of Tarim (or I should say one of the *two* Churches of Tarim – but we’ll
get to that), Cirinists or Kevillists who worship Terim (again, we’ll get to
that) or cynical atheists who use other people’s beliefs to their own ends.
Bran Mak Muffin, who essentially worships The Great Cerebus when we see him
again (not in this book), is the only exception to this I can think of offhand.
One could argue that the cities were always this way, but
with the exception of a brief visit to the lower-class portions of Iest and his
stay in Beduin with the Roach, Cerebus has always been out in the countryside,
among the pagans (a word which originally derives from the Latin word for
“country folk). The problem with that idea is that the Church of Tarim as a
stand-in for Christianity is introduced to us not in a city, but among a
village of superstitious farmers. So it’s not just the urban sophisticates who
have embraced Tarim as the One True God, and the Church of Tarim is revealed to
be very, very old – it is never actually specified, but the clear implication
is that the original Tarim, who was to some certain extent an analog for
Christ, although very different in historical terms (the first, for instance,
to coin money, which certainly makes him quite different in his primary
interests), lived about 1400 years before Cerebus – but we’ll be getting to
dates and things in the next book.
So “Black Magiking” introduces us to the Church of Tarim,
which will be a primary thematic and plot element for the next several books.
Then we have the interlude of “Silverspoon,” where Sim stretches his artistic
chops and instead of imitating Barry Windsor Smith tries to imitate Hal Foster,
which perhaps mixed success but it’s actually astonishing that he can pull even
a semblance of Foster off without embarrassing himself, considering the level
of art he was producing just a couple of years before. “Silverspoon” introduces
us the Lord Julius, and leads directly into what at one time was called “The
Palnu Trilogy,” Sim’s first 60 page story (81 if you count “Silverspoon”). The
main interest in Chapters 15-17 (we are now off the count from the original
comics because of “Silverspoon,” which was originally published as single pages
in the Comics Buyers Guide, and these represent issues 14-16 of the original
comic book) is Lord Julius, who is the Estarcion version of Groucho Marx (whose
real given name was Julius), being Groucho Marx as the leader of an Estarcion city-state,
apparently the richest and most successful one around. Hilarity, of course,
(In case you’re wondering why there should be an “Estarcion
version of Groucho Marx,” Sim at the time espoused a cyclical view of history,
wherein everything that happens has happened many times before and will happen
again, never exactly the same, but never completely different, either. This
gave him an excuse to use historical and fictional characters in his milieu,
supposedly our world about 6,000 years ago. Of course Julius Marx would have
appeared in this world. And if he had been lucky enough to be born into an
important family, he might have used his anarchic wit to rise to the top. We
will see many other real people along the way, mostly artists of some kind –
writers, rock stars, comic book creators – and also versions of other people’s
fictional creations – primarily the Cockroach, who is a parody of the Batman,
and later becomes Captain Cockroach (Captain America) and many, many others.)
So the nature of religion and belief, especially explored
through the Church of Tarim that is to a large extent similar to and meant to
be analogous enough of Christianity that points made about it are meant to be
seen as points about the latter, and political intrigue among the ruling class
of an at least semi-modern society, are both set as our themes by the end of
Chapter 17. And while that chapter ends with Cerebus rejecting cities and
civilization and riding away from Palnu, the fact is that these two themes will
dominate him for much of the rest of his life, not to mention providing the
title for the third and fourth volumes of the series.
Cerebus is among the
barbarians again with the T’Gitans, but it’s actually quite clear throughout
these chapters that he isn’t one of them.
Sim has some fun by having Cerebus meet a more or less pure incarnation
of Conan (called “Krull,” which was the name of another Robert E. Howard
character who was essentially a clone of Conan but living even earlier (by
Howard’s pseudo-history), before the fall of Atlantis). When Cerebus tricks the
merchants into giving him their goods, and then tells the T’Gitans how he
obtained them by threats of violence, we see more clearly than he does himself
how far removed he has become for the barbarian warrior sword-for-hire we met
in the beginning of the book.
In “She-Devil in the Shadows,” Cerebus has a sword fight
with Ghita, whom he at first mistakes for Red Sophia. This is one of many
inside jokes for comic book fans in the series, that it’s not really important
whether one gets or not to enjoy the series. Frank Thorne, who had done the
“Red Sonja” comic book and whose version of Red Sonja Sim first made homage to
in her introduction (along with Thorne himself, who used to dress as a wizard
to attend comic book conventions, as Sophia’s wizard father “Henrot”), later
did a comic book about a character called Ghita who was pretty much exactly the
same as Red Sonja. In this story, after Red Sophia left home (to marry Feras at
Cerebus’ direction), he missed her. But there were things he didn’t miss about
her – she was far from perfect. So he decided to create a duplicate, but one
who would be better-tempered, for instance, and all in all perfect.
The experiment failed. Ghita is worse-tempered. In fact,
while he has managed to imprison her in the chamber just outside his room, she
kills anyone who comes near. Cerebus barely makes it past her alive, and seems
to be trapped in Henrot’s room forever.
Well, of course he gets out of it. Where his sword failed it
is his ingenuity that wins the day. Then he gets what he came to town for, goes
to collect his barbarian companion, and is drugged by a prostitute-cum-fortune
teller who turns out to be a high-level Cirinist.
I don’t have much to say about “Mind Games.” The main
criticism I’ve made before, that the Suenteus Po we meet here seems to be so
far away from the Suentus Po’s we will meet in the future – not just the
multiple people with that name, but the multiple versions of what are supposed
to all be the same guy, the “original” Suenteus Po (although the founder of
Illusionism turns out not to really be the first of that name, either). Sim
thought it would be funny to make him a drugged-out hippy, and it is, but it
doesn’t fit well with the serious character he decided he needed Po to be
Po mainly operates here as an authorial mouthpiece to impart
to the reader through funny dialogue rather than endless boring captions a
bunch of important narrative exposition. Since we don’t really need all the
details, we are given primarily tantalizing hints of the
political/philosophical/religious struggle between the Tarimites, the
Illusionists, the Cirinists and the Kevillists.
In the introduction to “She-Devil in the Shadows” in “Swords
of Cereubs #5,” Sim said of the conspiracy whose existence – but not details –
are revealed in these chapters:
I tried to explain the problem a while ago by explaining that most of the factors involved are secret societies – to put it in a more modern context, it is like a secret cell of Soviet spies in the U.S. government hiring North Vietnamese and Cuban infiltrators to find out if the Red Chinese embassy in Japan is really spying for the Lithuanians in an attempt to find out if the KGB was behind the plot to kill the Popeand hire more Afghanistan refugees to double check the rumours about the John Birch Society joining forces with the Mafia to break the stranglehold the Teamsters have on the underground network of solidarity supporters in Moose Jaw.
Come to think of it, three hundred issues might not be enough.
That was written in 1983, and of course, most of the
“modern” references are now horribly dated, but anyone with any knowledge of
late 20th century geopolitical history should get at least most of the
As it turns out, it never was *all* explained, but enough of
it was explained for us all to be reasonably satisfied.
The next issue, Cerebus is a long distance and, as it turns
out, several weeks away. He was drugged by Perce in Togith not long before
Concordance Eve, when the T’Gitans planned to attack Palnu. As it turns out,
Cerebus has missed the invasion, which is just as well because the T'Gitans were cut to
pieces and there were no survivors.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. Cerebus finds himself
somehow in Beduin. This is never really explained, although there exists a
piece called “What Happened Between Issues Twenty and Twenty-One” that teases
us with an explanation that doesn’t explain anything. While there, he runs into
the Roach, now “Captain Cockroach,” and Elrod, working together as a team
selling “United Feldwar States Government-In-Exile War Bonds.” They take him to
see President Weisshaupt.
President Weisshaupt is a combination of George Washington,
whom he resembles, and Adam Weisshaupt, who founded the Bavarian Illuminati
about the same time the U.S. declared its independence from England, and who
somewhat resembled Washington, and who some conspiracy theorists claim came to
America and took Washington’s place some time after 1790. With Weisshaupt,
Cerebus is thrust back into political intrigue again, although he tries not to
get interested, much less involved, and when Weisshaupt’s schemes come apart
Cerebus manages to escape.
There is one problem I have with this entire story, though.
Part of the raison d’etre for Weisshaupt’s “United Feldwar States” is to “save”
the economy of Lower Felda, of which Beduin is the capital. But at the end of
“Beduin By Night” the government has discovered the Roach’s stash of gold,
which should have provided a solid boost to the economy. Even if a few
politicians at the top managed to siphon off most of it for their own purposes,
those purposes would have led at least some of it into circulation as they
bought luxuries for themselves.
The last story in this book is a three part story that
starts off as a parody/homage to “The Beguiled,” introducing Charles X.
Claremont. I’m going to skip trying to analyze this story because a) I don’t
think it’s really ultimately all that important to the overall storyline
(although yes, Charles X. Claremont returns despite being apparently killed and
yes, this is the source for “Fred, Ethel, and the Little Fellow with the Hair)
and b) this is way, way, WAY too long.
Next one’s going to be a LOT shorter, I promise. For one
thing, “High Society” was not the revelation for me that this book was. I read
this book and saw it totally differently than I had seen it in umpteen
rereadings before. I read “High Society” (yeah, I’m already done with it) and
laughed uproariously but basically have about the same opinion of it that I did
when I read it 30 years ago. So it will be much easier to talk about
Has Dave ever disregarded his 'cyclical view of history'? Despite his later religious leanings, he doesn't seem to have any problem with the Earth being far older than 6000 years. The dinosaurs, walking redwoods and six-foot cockroaches were what they were in their time and place, and God treated them like every other living being. Fortunately (arguably) they were irrelevant to later human beings, and all were created as a bargain between God and Yoohwhoo like everyone/thing else. Tyrannosaurus scripture may have put a lot of emphasis on land that now resides at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Human scripture chooses the Middle East.
Just a thought. I'm enjoying your review.
While I don't know that he ever explicitly renounced his cyclical history theory, he acknowledged during the end of the Ham Ernestway sequence that using it to put Muslims in Cerebus' time was skirting close to blasphemy, because there can only be one "Last Prophet." I'm not sure how he reconciled it with himself.
Of course, he's also acknowledged that his very profession is dicey with regards to the Law concerning making images and "trying to be like God."
I think he still kind of believes it, but like everything else he used to believe his current view is strongly influenced by his religion.
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