book is usually thought of as a collection of mostly unconnected
stories that are parodies of Conan the Barbarian, with a talking
aardvark instead of Conan as the main character.
On this reread, I discovered for perhaps the first time how wrongheaded
that description is of all but the first four chapters here. Those
chapters are indeed separate stories instead of proper chapters in an
overall book, and the first one in particular is
almost completely unconnected from anything else. Starting with "The
Idol," though (originally published in issue #5 with no title) we are
firmly in the grip of a long story whose roots are being established,
even though Sim didn't really know where that story
was headed yet.
first four chapters are indeed almost slavish imitations, through the
lens of parody, of the comics produced by Roy Thomas and Barry Smith
(before he added the "Windsor")
for Marvel's "Conan the Barbarian" comic book in the early 1970s. The
first chapter, "The Flame Jewel," has some innovative tricks up its
sleeve in presenting the standard "steal a precious jewel from a
dangerous sorcerer" trope, and a good joke at the end
on the thieves who hire Cerebus. The second chapter, "Captive in
Boreala," opens with an obvious homage to the opening of Conan #16, "The
Frost Giant's Daughter," but wanders a bit, seemingly uncertain where
to go next, before arriving at the Eye of Terim
and the dark, sardonic laughter in the darkness that hints of something
important but ends up never being explained in any of the 298 issues to
follow. I think of this as the first hint that the young Sim had an
ambition to turn this funny-animal parody of
Conan into something more, but by the time he realized what it was to
be, this story no longer really fit into his plans. He tried to explain
this and chapter 4 ("Death's Dark Tread") away in "Flight" many years
does at first seem to be a VERY important piece of foreshadowing in
"Captive." The beautiful, glowing, strange white globe that seems to be
the gem called "The Eye of Terim"
(and perhaps it really is what the legendary Eye of Terim was all
along) turns out to actually be a horrible-looking creature called a
succubus that has sucked the souls from countless men and seeks to do so
with Cerebus.
anyone familiar with the whole Cerebus saga and Dave Sim's
later-expressed view of women as soul-sucking voids cannot help but look
at this as an example that he was headed
in that direction all the way back in early 1978 when issue #2 was
first published. Especially given that a "succubus" is, according to
Merriam-Webster, "a demon assuming female form to have sexual
intercourse with men in their sleep." The thing is, Dave Sim
has disclaimed all conscious knowledge of the meaning of the word
succubus at the time he wrote this story, and has even said that at the
time he did this story he thought of himself as a feminist. He was
vaguely aware of the word, knew it was some kind of
evil supernatural creature, and he liked the sound of it (the "succu-"
seemed to fit with a creature that "sucked" souls), so he put it in
there, entirely unaware that this would become the first "soul-sucking
void" and that that image would come to be one
of the defining points of his life's work.
synchronicity, perhaps, rather than foreshadowing, might be best
description of this appearance of a soul-sucking void so early in the
story, and as I say it isn't really
a story yet, just a series of unconnected episodes. It is noteworthy,
though, that though Cerebus is lusting after the "Eye of Terim" he still
at one point swears by "Tarim." In "The Flame Jewel," the sorcerer used
"Terim" in one of his incantations and also
uttered "Tarim" as an oath on the same page. So even this early Sim
does seem to be consciously setting up a world where among the many gods
men worship are a "Tarim" and a "Terim," who seem by their names to be
obviously related to each other in some manner
and yet are also separate and distinct. Whether he already envisioned
them as male and female versions of the same deity is doubtful, and it's
pretty clear that at this point Tarim is not "God" as modern
monotheistic societies think of that term, but just
a small-g "god" like Zeus or Thor. (Tarim is, in fact, one of the
things borrowed from the Conan comic book, where there were two warring
societies whose dispute was centered on which of them deserved to have
possession of the living Tarim, a god-man embodied
in a descendant of the original through dozens of generations.)
third story, "Song of Red Sophia," takes even its title from a Conan
comic book, the last one Barry Smith did, "The Song of Red Sonja." The
story itself has nothing to do
with that story, but the character is essentially that character,
borrowed from a non-Conan story by Conan creator Robert E. Howard. She
was later associated primarily with artist Frank Thorne, who drew a
series featuring her. Sim used Thorne as the basis
for the character Henrot, who is Sophia's father, and in fact "Henrot"
is an anagram of "Thorne." So this issue is a tribute to Thorne as much
as Smith, and it even seems that Sophia is intended to be an imitation
of Thorne's Sonja rather than Simth's, although
Sim's art is not yet good enough to tell the difference. This issue
features some serious backsliding with respect to the art - one page
where he uses an interesting three-panels-in-one trick to show the quick
action of a duel has, in the face of the middle
Sophia, the worst art since that deformed horse back on the first page.
However, the art as a whole is actually better, and the idea of Cerebus
as a cartoon character in a realistic world is beginning to be
storytelling in "Song of Red Sophia" is a huge step up in
sophistication from "Captive in Boreala." Instead of a meandering story
that seems to start out with no destination
in mind (whether or not that is accurate), we have a story told almost
entirely in flashback, giving us a glimpse from just moments before the
climax, then going back 3 days to show how we got here, then proceeding
to the conclusion and epilogue. While not
exactly "experimental," in the usual sense of breaking new ground for
writers in general, it's clear that Sim is experimenting for himself
with different storytelling techniques.
Sophia and Elric, who first appears in the next story, "Death's Dark
Tread," both will reappear later and could be taken as evidence that the
overall story has already started,
as in a sense it had even though its author seems only vaguely aware of
it. In fact, they are both part-and-parcel of the aping of "Conan the
Barbarian," as both characters appeared in that comic. In fact, Sim has
said that at the time he first did issue #4,
he had not read Michael Moorcock's "Elric" stories or even seen a book
cover. His only exposure to Elric was from Barry Smith's version in
Conan #14-15, and he was completely unaware of how dissatisfied Moorcock
and many of his fans were with Smith's version,
and how unlike Moorcock's description of the character it was.
regard the continued use of these characters after Sim left the Conan
parody behind to be part fan-service and part simply using the tools
available, rather than evidence that
he was already thinking long-term when he introduced these characters.
Elrod (a name I assume is a joke on L. Ron Hubbard, and hence a hint of
Sim's interest in religion that will soon come to dominate the series)
is based on Smith's version
of Elric in terms of physical appearance, in all other ways he is
essentially Foghorn Leghorn from the old Warner Brothers cartoons (or,
as Sim would have it, Senator Claghorn, the radio character on whom
Foghorn Leghorn was based, but since Sim is far too
young to have listened to Claghorn on the radio growing up, I'm going
to assume the primary influence is the cartoon, and his reference to the
radio character simply evidence of the breadth and depth of his
self-education). He is one of the funniest supporting
characters in the saga, second only to Lord Julius, and his popularity
with fans probably had a lot to do with his continual reappearences over
the years.
story itself is a mess, not necessarily in terms of it as a single
narrative - it's a bit meandering, not fully cohesive, but it's funny
and does all finally fit together.
But the appearance of Death as a character, and the way that Death is
presented, is so out of touch with the storyline that eventually
developed that in "Flight," where Sim was catching up with a lot of old
threads and trying to weave them into his story and/or
explain them away, he actually felt compelled to bring in another
supernatural character who confronts this figure and tells him "You are
not Death."
much the same reasons, I regard the short story "Demonhorn," which is
not collected in the saga but was presented in the "Swords of Cerebus"
collections and Sim has even
officially placed in the chronology between #5 and #6, to be completely
non-canonical, whatever he says.)
there are, to be sure, bits and pieces and hints of what is to come, up
until now, Conan the Aardvark has been little more than a simple parody
of Conan the Barbarian.
With chapter 5 of this book, though, that all changes.
On one of the Yahoo Q&As (probably the one on the first book) Dave did an extended analysis of "Captive in Boreala" filtered through his later views, where Cerebus is pursuing Terim and winds up on a path of curves which ultimately lead him nowhere.
I think (but don't recall the citation) that Dave said the original Tarim/Terim distinction was a typo, and it was after that he decided Terim was the female Tarim. He definitely decided very early on that it was the latter, and if I'm recalling correctly, the former is more like Stan Lee's infamous references to "Peter Palmer" as "Superman." Considering this is Dave, it's quite possible he made the initial mistake, asked himself how he could have made the mistake, and wound up with the explanation that it was two gods, one male, one female [which also fits in with his concept of Yoohwhoo, up to and including why the Koran is so insistent that there is only One God but most suras are dictated in the plural.]
But again, I'm getting ahead of myself. :P
The first appearance of Red Sophia is the first giant leap Dave made as a writer in the series. Including a woman like Sophia made things funny, and gave him more ideas for pacing, especially since Dave was basically trying to do Howard the Duck as Conan the Barbarian, in a 'six-minute Looney Toons' short kinda way, and had few expectations other than becoming rich and famous that way.
The fact that the story is almost entirely told in flashback was a novel concept. There are probably other examples, but I can't think of any that went so far.
Sophia bouncing next to Cerebus while talking about her interests was a leap of quality in terms of pacing, and characterization. Feras defending his love of Sophia while Cerebus looks for ways to torture and kill Feras was a quantum leap in funny, and only conquering Sophia (or vice-versa) would have given Dave such insight.
[Idle thought: the reason the 'earlier stuff' is considered better is because it's easier to tell when artists improve, as opposed to when they make deliberate stylistic changes. The Beatles improved up through "Revolver," and after that it was a case of which way they would go for their new album. Will Eisner's instructional comics were probably technically-better than "The Spirit," and "A Contract With God" was indisputably an improvement, and "Dropsie Avenue" is his masterpiece in my opinion, but when push comes to shove, what is Eisner remembered for? The Spirit. You can measure his improvement there. You can't in his other work.]
This same approach probably explains Dave's repeated use of Elrod (a great character, why not look for reasons to bring him back?) and change of approach to Death (which a recent "Moment of Cerebus" post showed Dave's worries about the use of the character in "Flight" alleviated because Gerhard laughed at the punchline.] Dave was, at the time, thinking in terms of how to become rich and famous, and in terms of what comics fans care about. First Doctor Octopus? First Norman Osbourne? First Mary Jane? The drug trilogy? True fans will fight hard to have those comics, all he needs to do is last long enough to produce them. And he was lucky enough to be writer, artists, letterer and publisher (with Deni.)
Just to clarify, Dave has said that "Tarim/Terim" was intended from the outset, but I'm unconvinced. No doubt by the time he noticed the different spellings (or someone pointed it out to him) the reaction was immediate, they're two different gods. If it were forty or fifty issues later, I could see him working in such a vague reference, but at the very beginning of the series, as his effort is going into doing the first full-length comic book stories he's ever done and getting them published, I'm skeptical that he had thought out that many details. Hell, if the Terim reference had come about when he decided to do a 300-issue series, because it was a shame that Superman was at nearly 300 issues and didn't make a coherent story, it would make sense for him to include a reference to a future 'Supergirl' appearance that he'd get around to sooner or later.
In my opinion, the "Tarim/Terim" distinction was a typo, and Dave rolled with it because he's just that creative. If I recall, two of the different cities on the map of Estarcion were created because Dave couldn't read Michael Loubert's handwriting. [Serrea and Sepra, I think, but I might be mistaken.]
On Tarim/Terim:
The first instance may have been a "typo" (although that's an odd word to refer to something hand-lettered). "Tarim" was borrowed from Conan, so that was already established. on page 7 of "The Flame Jewel" (Cerebus #1), the wizard utters this incantation:
"Ak-aman ra taak se Terim sera"
(I'm guessing at the capitalization.)
That's in panel 2. Panel 3 is a statue blowing up near Cerebus and the thieves, followed by the wizard saying:
"Tarim! My aim is getting lousy, too!"
If Dave really had already decided that Terim was the female fersion of "Tarim" by the time he did "Captive in Boreala," it makes the "coincidence" (snicker) of the Eye of Terim being a soul-sucking succubus that much more intense.
Clarification: when I say "followed by," I meant that the Wizard says "Tarim!" on the fourth and last panel of page 7.
Touche on the word "typo." Between that, your references to "Conan," the fact that you're obviously more knowledgeable about "Conan" than Dave was at the time [except for the Barry Windsor-Smith issues], your citations of the first issues of "Cerebus" and Dave's habit of selectively-retconning what he intended to do all along, my guess is he noticed he was repeating certain words, was familiar enough with Conan that he could extrapolate 'Superman as a girl' to create Tarim/Terim, and as a comics fan, thought it would make a great 'future revelation' that would keep the fanboys happy circa issue #100. Which it did, even though he hadn't thought that far ahead in the first place.
In my opinion, Dave initially made an error in spelling, and after hundreds of issues, could no longer look back at what he was thinking during the first few months - kind of the anti-Stan Lee, where you know he doesn't have a clue what he was thinking at the time - so he can confidently say Terim was always intended as the female Tarim, no if's, and's or but's.
I'm well aware that Dave's own knowledge of Robert E. Howard's Conan was almost nil, and when I say "Conan" in relation to Cerebus I'm talking about issues 1-24 of the Marvel comic book, plus a few other things that BWS did, like the b&w magazine stories.
That "Tarim" was borrowed from Conan is STRICTLY from the Roy Thomas/Barry Smith issues. Smith's final run on the series was the first five parts of a six part story (which in my opinion is almost ruined by having been finished by John Buscema). The whole point of that story was a war over which group of Tarim worshippers would have possession of the Living Tarim (or as I'm sure they put it to the populace, have the honor of having the Living Tarim dwell among them), who was supposedly descended in unbroken line from the orignal. I don't remember myself how much of that is Howard and how much Thomas/Smith.
How much of Dave's analysis of "Captive in Boreala" was actual memory and how much was altered memory that was, as you say, "filtered through his later views" is anybody's guess.
The important point - the one I'm about to make in the next piece, is that in the early issues, the first 2 years of the comic book, "Tarim" was just one of a group of polytheistic small-g gods, like Clovis and Ashtoth. Starting with "Black Magiking," there is suddenly a Church of Tarim that bears some resemblance to Christianity, and soon the analogy will be unmistakable and inescapable, making "Tarim" now the Estarcion word for capital-G God. And how *that* works out with the "Terim is a female Tarim" thing is HUGE.
Having a couple of small-g gods who are male and female reflections of each other is no big deal. The Greeks had something almost like this with Apollo and Artemis, the sun and the moon. But having vying religions claiming the ultimate Maker of the Universe is Male or Female is something else entirely ...
I have responded to this, but apparently there's a 4096 character limit. I'll try again later.
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